Thank you for Being Here

Health and Fitness Professional, Founder of Elevate Fitness

Hey there! My name is Jacqueline, and my mission is to cultivate a thriving community of wellness enthusiasts. I prioritize promoting vitality, achieving balance, and self-care. I offer practical tips, strategies, and insights that can significantly improve your daily life. I believe that small, mindful changes can tremendously impact our overall well-being.

My education, fitness, and wellness background allow me to provide holistic approaches to nurturing the mind, body, and soul. My postgraduate education and training in fitness paved the way for my teaching practice in adult and children’s yoga, Pilates, functional fitness for older adults, strength training, and children’s fitness. I have helped clients of various ages and fitness abilities achieve their goals, from weight loss to strength development, functional training for back pain, and post-rehabilitation maintenance.

About my Journey

As a mother, I encountered difficult obstacles such as weight gain and back pain. Despite this, I embarked on a journey of self-improvement, pursuing postgraduate studies in Early Childhood Education, Family Life Development, Applied Psychology, and Special Education. To enhance my mental health, I turned to fitness and discovered Powerlifting. I fell in love with the sport as it allowed me to explore my physical and mental strength, motivating me to pursue further education in strength and fitness training.

My experience in education and the fitness industry has taught me that optimal fitness requires the integration of body, mind, and spirit, which became the fundamental pillars of my approach and practice.  In creating Elevate Fitness, I am able to offer a space for communities to heal and grow. 

I invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery with me, cultivating a life filled with compassion, growth, and radiance that comes from truly knowing ourselves. Let’s embrace our imperfections, navigate the twists and turns of life, celebrate victories, and learn from setbacks. Making changes to our lifestyle is an ongoing process, but with each step, we take ourselves closer to the life we are meant to lead. Let’s get started!